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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

College student, Y U NO GET PROPER REST?!?!?

Seriously, why do we stay up so late? All we get out of it is being exhausted the next day. Yeah, maybe you got studying done, but if procrastination didn't get the best of us, then we wouldn't be up so late. See what I did there? I showed you how everything goes hand and hand. If you write down all of your assignments with the due dates, get it all done on time without procrastination, then you would get the proper amount of sleep. You may think you can work ok with less sleep than what you are told you need.
In reality teens, and yes you are still a teen, up till about 22 years old need at least 8 hours of sleep to properly function. After 22, 6 hours is sufficient. The younger teens need 10 hours and the younger you are, the more sleep you need. Something you may not know about sleep deprivation, you will die from sleep deprivation before starvation. It takes 10 days without sleep to kill you while it takes 14 days of no food to kill you. Weird, huh?

Moral of this blog, get your sleep people. Even though I am up at 4 in the morning writing this. I am on Spring Break and doing school work instead of going out and getting wasted. "You aren't the only thing getting wasted."

Peace and Love

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