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Sunday, August 14, 2011

What's in My Backpack?

Disorganization is a huge problem with tons of students. Personally, I am on the verge of OCD. I am so picky about how everything is organized in my life. But I will tell you what I do to help me stay organized and prepared in class and around campus.

First thing is first, a large enough bookbag with pockets. Most girls like to use shoulder bags, because it is fashionable. Yes, they are cute, but they aren't sturdy, don't hold as much, hard to organize and actually bad for your back. That's all up to you though.

Next, componets of the bag.
  • Tons of students like to take their laptops to class, I only took it to one of my classes. I have a 17", which I regret getting. It's huge! I can watch videos on here pretty well, but carrying it everywhere stinks. Plus, I can't find laptop bags for it that are cute. I'm thinking of getting a plain ugly one and decorating it myself, no one else will have it.
  • Notebooks, binders and pencils. Personally, I think binders are a waste of money, they always break. Like I said in my first post, I reuse spirals until they are dead. Typically students do not use 150 sheets of paper in one class. So either you just don't write on the cover and reuse them until they are done for OR duct tape has gotten fashionable (cheetah, zebra, demask, etc.) So I taped over where I wrote on the spirals. I am not a hippie (although I was in Austin for a year,) I just don't like being wasteful. Use the spiral until all of the paper is gone, use it for rough drafts, a journal (which I find stress relieving) or doodling.
  • Writting utensils. Pens, pencils, highlighters, sharpies; you name it, get it. I may have an unnecessary collection of Sharpies, but they do come in handy. Pens are usually what professors want you to use, to a good collection is always good. Pencils of course are necessary for labs, math, etc. Highlighters are good for note taking. I always have some lead in my bag or just extra pencils. People throw away pencils once they are out of lead, it's cheaper to buy lead than new pencils everytime you're out. I constantly say this, but we are broke college students, unless you know how to save.
  • PLANNER! OMG. So many students don't have a planner. I don't know how they know what's for homework or any due dates. But studies show that those who do carry planners are more organized and make better grades, something to think about for college students. I keep everything in my planner, EVERYTHING! (I am posting pictures soon.) Once you get your syllabus, write down due dates and quizzes, tests, everything. I write down my work schedule, homework, how many horus I need to study, and my to do list.
  • Depends on where you live, but an umbrella. In Texas, we never know when it's going to rain. Right now, it's looking like never.
  • Gum, studies show, chewing gum helps you concentrate. And when you're hungry and you have more classes to go and no time to grab food, it curbs your appetite.
  • Lip balm, lip gloss, make up, "feminine products," head phones and hand sanitizer. Essentials to some, not all. But head phones are great for when you're waiting for class or walking to class. Sanitizer, as beautiful as St. Edward's was, I don't trust that everything is clean and health is so important.
  • Water. Get a reusable bottle and refill it at lunch, breakfast, dinner. Water is free people and way better for you than sodas. Freshmen 15 will creep up on you.
I think I have covered everything in my bag. Tell me what's in yours. Did I miss anything?

Check me out at YouTube, there will be a post soon, I promise!!!!

Peace and Love
Always and Forever

Marina -  Your go-to-girl for college advice

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