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Friday, August 30, 2013


Well, most of you have started back to school, if not all of you. You have set your goals; I will go to class everyday, I will do every single piece of homework I am given, I will study "X" amount of hours a day, blah blah blah. The goals are not the problem, it is the lack of motivation. Everything is possible if you set your mind to a goal and keep the motivation going. Freshmen tend to start out with this great motivation, which is great, the problem is keeping it up.

Set yourself up for success. There are many tools to success, although I do not know all of them, I know of a couples pointers to get you going in the right direction.

Positive thinking. If you are down and sad about your work ethic, school work, body image, whatever it is, positivity will help you change it all. If you look at a test grade and think "that sucks. I did horrible," you are looking at that grade completely wrong. You should be thinking, "I guess the way I studied wasn't the best (if you even studied at all.) Maybe I should do this differently, start studying earlier, find someone who can tutor me." Positive thinking like that. Miracles do not happen over night and neither do good grades, ask your doctor.

Organization. How many times have you gotten an email from a classmate or your professor mentioning the paper that is due in 4 days that you have completely forgotten about? That would not have happened if you had been organized. When writing down all of your due dates in your planner, set aside time a week or two in advance to start the studying process or brain storming your paper. Whatever the big due date is, give yourself plenty of time to finish it and then edit and perfect it. 

Hopefully, you are already doing these things, but if not, start. They are extremely helpful. If your mind is cloudy, go for a walk, jog, bike, swim, workout, etc. Something. Clear your mind when it gets fuzzy, otherwise studying or working becomes pointless.

P.S. I AM going back to school this upcoming month. Ogle School for esthetician license. I am extremely excited and couldn't be happier that I have found something that I truly enjoy. Wish me luck!


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