Did you know, for every hour of class, you should study for 3 hours? Or that studying material you learned within the first 24 hours of learning it it is more likely to stick in your head? Or that it takes 21 times of doing something to make it a habit? These are all things that you should keep in mind when studying. Make studying a habit, don't wait for the night before to study, etc. You know, the works. This isn't high school anymore. Studying is crucial to make the grades that will impress people. People like future bosses, deans, teachers that you ask for recommendations.
Everyone has different ways of studying. Note cards, just reading over notes or the book, drawing pictures, etc. There is no particular way of studying, just do what works for you and make it a habit.
Personally, I need complete silence to study. So going to the library helps me. I can't have people talking in the background or music or a tv. I know some people who need background noise, and as to how they do it beats the hell out of me. I don't have a particular way of studying. Certain classes I use note cards, others I need to draw out what I'm studying (science), practice, practice, practice for math, just reading over notes for those lengthy classes.
Find what works for you and do it!
Study hard
Marina Monroe